Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ETSY Treasury Feature

It's always exciting when a curator chooses one of your items to be featured on their TREASURY. If you don't already know, a Treasury is like a shopping gallery. The curator usually chooses a specific theme and then chooses 16 items to be featured in their treasury. This week I have been featured in 2 treasuries. What fun! and now, there is a great little widget to share your treasury listings with your friends and family. Here's 3 treasuries I've been featured in recently. Feel free to click on them and see everyone's listing! ENJOY!

Vintage Books

I've always had a soft spot for old books. The older the better. I started collecting vintage and antique books back in highschool and I'm still collecting today. Now I collect them for myself, to sell in my ETSY shop and the old ones that are in really bad shape, I turn into paper flowers. Here are a few I found the other day.

I like them, but they don't hold anything special for me. So I'll give them a new home where they'll be loved. I also found these:

I love that they all have an outdoorsy theme, which fits my husband and I...I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color combination! I had intended on listing these in my shop, but I've fallen in love with them and am having a hard time letting them go. The books are big (over 10 inches tall) and thick and bright and beautiful...in great shape...Don't you just love my little  ceramic bird next to the Songbirds in Your Garden ?? Here are some more pics, in case you didn't get enough.

For now, I think I'll just let them sit on my shelf and hope that I get time to read them. OK, here are a few of my favorites from my real collection.

From left to right the copyright dates are: 1899, 1940, 1927 I believe the Ernest Hemingway is a first edition second printing...but I'm not an expert so, I'm not sure.

Copyright dates from left to right: Spelling book 1857, History book 1878, Dictionary of facts 1919

Don't you just love the picture on the front of the spelling book? To give you an idea of how old the history book is...the last picture is a list  of all the states added after the original 13...38 total! How cool is that?

Another little piece of history I have is a 1913 Small Arms Firing Manual. It's full of notes and underlines and what I love most of all is the signature in the front. What beautiful handwriting. To me it represents a time when people took their time and pride in everything  they did right down to their handwriting.

I bought this one the other day. It's in descent shape, but what I bought it for was it's pages. For only being 69 years old, the pages have a beautiful rich patina. The pages are also nice and thick and textured. I just had to have it for paper flowers.

Ok, I've saved the best for last! This one my wonderful Sister bought me a few years ago. It has a special place in my studio and in my heart.

It's a 1943 7th and 8th grade Home Ec book.

AND..it shows me how to use my new-to-me sewing machine I bought a few months ago! Here are a few more pics from the book.

I hope I have enjoyed my little treasures...who knows maybe, the next time you're at a used book store, you'll venture over to the old book section and take a look.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Make Your Own Butter - Tutorial

Butter - Who knew how simple it was to make your own! I found a ton of tutorials and they are all great. My favorite one is from 2 little hooligans. Her pictures are beautiful and the directions sweet and simple.

But did I tell you that I MADE BUTTER TODAY? I don't know why I'm so excited about it. It's such a simple concept....but I was tickled pink and we all ate the first batch right away.

OK, here's what you need:

Heavy Cream
Salt (optional)
Jar (with tight lid)
Yeah, that's it....seriously.


Pour cream into jar 1/3 to 1/2 full.
Shake the jar for 20 to 30 minutes.
You'll see 4 stages:
Whipped Cream
Whipped Butter
Butter & Buttermilk

Once your butter separates from you buttermilk,
drain the buttermilk out into a dish and
keep shaking it for a while longer to get all the buttermilk out.
Drain out your remaining buttermilk and save it for...buttermilk pancakes, maybe?
Add your salt to taste (I added 2 pinches of sea-salt for my small batch)

Taa Daa!!!

You may have delusions of grandeur when you're finished...like you just invented fire or something. Not to worry. After proclaiming "I just made butter!" to your husband for the third time and he just stares at you like your crazy, the delusions will pass....but seriously, I MADE BUTTER TODAY!


Linking up:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
Home Stories A2Z

Friday, February 3, 2012

DIY Daily Affirmation - Tutorial

We are currently remodeling/sprucing up our girls room and I wanted to make them an inspirational sign...sorta like a DAILY AFFIRMATION for them. Seriously, it is so hard being a little girl these days and I want my girls to grow up knowing that being "PERFECT" isn't what really matters. So, you can make your sign with what ever is meaningful to you.


Canvas (flat, 3D, a scrap piece of wood,...what ever)
Paint brush
Vinyl Letters (or stickers)
Transfer Paper
Tape (painters or masking)
Paper Towel


Get Inspired and then cut out your inspiring words.
I used the Silhouette Cameo for my vinyl letters.
I found my original inspiration on Pintrest HERE.

Apply your transfer paper to your vinyl letters.

Make sure you use the grid on the transfer paper to help line up your words.

Add a 2" border around your canvas with the tape and apply your vinyl letters....and realize that white may not have been the best color choice for the vinyl.
My canvas was 16" x 20" but my vinyl sheet was only 12" wide. To avoid having to line up each line myself, I chose to add a 2" border.

Suddenly decide you're not in LOVE with the sign and call your girlfriend for advice....she affirms what you already know,... that the words don't sound right and the color's got to go....use a different color vinyl this time.

Choose a new paint color, wonder how old the paint is and hope there's enough left to paint the sign.

Paint, wait as long as you can for it to dry, peal off the vinyl and the tape and admire your work!

All done....I can't wait to see it in the girls room when it's finished.


liking up to:
g*rated Momma Hens Coop

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When Your Looking for Buttons, Think Out of The Box

Every once in a great while you find a deal that puts a permanent smile on your face all day long...You may be the only one who understands the joy it brings...but it's a great deal all the same.

I found 2 the other day. A pink embroidered linen table cloth for $0.50 and 8 teal buttons for $1.50

The lady at the counter said..."what a pretty sweater!" and I said..."actually, I'm just getting it for the buttons. I plan on cutting them off." You should have seen the look on her face!

8 - 1 inch buttons for $1.50..what a steal!!

But seriously, have you seen the price of buttons lately? If you're looking to stock up on buttons, check out your local thrift store. Preferably when their clothing is on sale.

The tablecloth will be used for our tea parties. 


Antique 1907 Singer Sewing Machine

This is what I got (myself) for an early Birthday present.

My girlfriend and I were out thrifting and stopped at a little roadside fleamarket. That's where I found her. She not perfect and she's been used A LOT. I've always dreamed of having an antique sewing machine. Although the one in my dreams was shinny and new and in perfect condition. I brought her home and gently cleaned her up...she's missing her front drawer and needs a new belt. Other than that, she's in working order....

... Her name is Shirley, after the woman who taught me to sew... she's worn because someone loved her...and now, I love her.



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