Sunday, February 12, 2012

Make Your Own Butter - Tutorial

Butter - Who knew how simple it was to make your own! I found a ton of tutorials and they are all great. My favorite one is from 2 little hooligans. Her pictures are beautiful and the directions sweet and simple.

But did I tell you that I MADE BUTTER TODAY? I don't know why I'm so excited about it. It's such a simple concept....but I was tickled pink and we all ate the first batch right away.

OK, here's what you need:

Heavy Cream
Salt (optional)
Jar (with tight lid)
Yeah, that's it....seriously.


Pour cream into jar 1/3 to 1/2 full.
Shake the jar for 20 to 30 minutes.
You'll see 4 stages:
Whipped Cream
Whipped Butter
Butter & Buttermilk

Once your butter separates from you buttermilk,
drain the buttermilk out into a dish and
keep shaking it for a while longer to get all the buttermilk out.
Drain out your remaining buttermilk and save it for...buttermilk pancakes, maybe?
Add your salt to taste (I added 2 pinches of sea-salt for my small batch)

Taa Daa!!!

You may have delusions of grandeur when you're you just invented fire or something. Not to worry. After proclaiming "I just made butter!" to your husband for the third time and he just stares at you like your crazy, the delusions will pass....but seriously, I MADE BUTTER TODAY!


Linking up:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
Home Stories A2Z


  1. That is so cool!! I am going to definitely try this!! Love it!
    And thanks for linking up!!

  2. LoL! I love your disclaimer about delusions of grandeur! :) I'm totally giving this a try (it's too simple not to!)... and luckily, my boyfriend is very easily impressed, so my "I made butter!" exclamation should be met with a "WHAT?! That's AMAZING!".

    ..It will be one amazing, buttery day. :D

  3. Thanks! I'd love to hear how it turns out,..and to see if your excitement is least my kids were excited...they even drank the buttermilk. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I love making butter. I'm lazy and I usually use the food processor! Thanks for sharing

  5. BRAVO!
    C est excellent cette recette!
    Je n y ai jamais pensé, je vais m y mettre.
    Merci et à très bientot.


  6. Wait till your hubby tastes it! And then he'll be the one saying, "let's make butter!" We used to do this because my mom loved real butter and it was a positive expenditure of kid energy. I would love it if you would come link up with Busy Monday (through Thursdays) at A Pinch of Joy, a linky party for ideas that make life better.

  7. i was just as excited to tell my husband and he was like "yeah, you never did that in school?" no! glad you gave it a try and thanks for the link back:)

  8. I used to make this with my mom. We used a blender to separate it and then, an antique butter bowl and paddle to "pat" all the excess moisture out. Of course, my mom had a cow and that's were we got the cream. Best tasting butter ever! ~ Maureen

  9. I have always wanted to make my own butter. I'd love to hear how it turns out! don't you feel great you gave it a try! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday’s Best Par.tay! Now following you on Linky - hope you follow back!


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