Friday, January 13, 2012

Crafter's Block

I have a ton of projects I can do,...tons of material but nothing sounds good to me and the things I do make just aren't "doin' it" for me. I bought a ton of fabric during the after the holidays sales and then I bought some more that I didn't need, then I bought some more just because it was cute, but I don't have a project in mind for's the new additions to my stash.

Linen Print by Robert Kauffman

Peacock Lane by Michael Miller

Just a bunch of fun prints I got at a STEAL!

Top 2 are home deco weight and bottom is a striped tweed.


I already made a few projects out of them...some I don't have pictures for...
Appliqued Purse for me

Minecraft beanbag-pillow for my oldest son.
I used my new Silhouette to cut out the flower and to cut out the heat transfer vinyl. I also used it today to make these new signs for my kids bathroom. I'm working on a Cat in the Hat's going slow...Someday I'll finish it and have wonderful pictures for you...until then you just get these:

I purchased the SNF Applause font from their online shop and used that...I LOVE the convenience of being able to download their images instantly.

I also made this today...

I was amazed at how well the Silhouette cut such tiny detail....I know...I guess I don't realy have Crafter's's just that the ideas I do have, I'm not excited about...maybe I'm just in a funk. If you come up with any ideas on what to do with my new fabric, I'd love to heard them. Thanks for listening to me whine.




  1. Thanks for checking out my blog and for your words! :)

    But even more importantly, I L.O.V.E. that the word "poop" is on your wall in your home in vinyl!!

  2. That bathroom is ADORABLE. I absolutely love the fact that you incorporated the Dr. Seuss quote, as well as the one from Horton Hears a Who. Cracked me up! It's perfect. Great job!

    1. ...don't tell anyone, but I misspelled "everyone's"...gotta fix that...thanks!


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